Saturday, July 2, 2011

Odd Things 9

I wanted to post yesterday, I really really did, but I was exhausted! Canada Day totally wore me out! But more about that later!

I only have two odd things this week, but they're sort of convoluted so stay with me!

The first one is an interesting example of how my brain works, not only during pregnancy, but all the time. It's also something I can keep you posted on. This odd thing has three parts, present, past and future! Presently Little Miss A (1 year old girl that I babysit) gets the hiccups every day at 8:45am. I don't know why it happens, but it does. I also know that 8:45am is 15 minutes before her morning nap time, so I always make sure I have her water cup on hand every morning so I can help her get rid of them before I put her down for her nap! Have you ever tried to sleep while hiccuping? Not possible! This daily situation reminded me that X got the hiccups everyday for the last 6 weeks that I was pregnant with him. I remember feeling bad that I could do nothing to help him with the hiccup issue! I would just sit still and rub my belly while he hiccuped away. Poor unborn baby. Then I thought...what if the twins get the hiccups while I'm still pregnant? Won't that feel odd! If one gets them and the other doesn't? Or if they both get them but hiccup at different times? Oh gosh. I think the last few weeks are going to be strange anyway! I only have 11 or 12 weeks left by the way. Oh boy.

Odd thing number two is a funny story. My husband came home from work the other day with a birth announcement from a co-worker. It's a very nice full-colour on card stock picture of the baby with his name, date of birth and birth weight printed on it. This baby was 6lbs 13ozs when he was born. M looks at me and says "6 lbs?! You could sneeze that out!"
Well at least I know he appreciates my...skill? Talent? Ability to produce "extra-healthy" sized babies. Hahahaha. Sometimes my husband is just as odd as I am, in case you weren't aware! :)

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