Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Date!

My son has passed Kindergarten, or Primary, depending on what province you're in! Hooray! On Monday we were invited to his class to witness the presentation of his certificate along with his scrapbook and yesterday he brought home his report card! So great! The "graduation ceremony" was very cute. Dress ranged from shorts and t-shirts to evening gowns (I kid you not, wish I had taken a picture) and there were songs, slide shows and tears. Most of the tears were from younger siblings being kept away from the stars of the day, although the teacher did shed a few explaining that this was her last year as a K teacher.

To celebrate, we went to see the movie Cars 2 in 3D. I figured that while X, and all other Kindergarten students were done school, everyone in grades 1-6 had to go back for one more day, so the theater shouldn't be too packed. Here's the thing, X hates 3D movies, but as I've mentioned before, it's not like we had a choice. The other children's movie playing, Kung Fu Panda 2, was also being shown in 3D, so it was 3D or nothing. Turned out to be a fabulous choice! X laughed like a loon through the previews, the Toy Story short, and through the entire movie. If you've heard X laugh before, you know what I mean. A LOON. Straight up. The glasses lasted until about half way though the movie when one of the lenses popped out..."somehow." With my son, always beware of sentences that start with "Somehow...." These sentences usually end with "I don't know how it happened."

The movie was super-fantabulous. I was a little cautious about seeing it as all the previews were shooting and guns and violence, but it was so funny. I don't know if I'm giving anything away, but this little tidbit would have made me feel better about going to see it...McQueen isn't the spy. Mater is. That makes all the difference in the world.

On the way home X immediately started asking if we could go buy the movie on DVD now, because he wants to watch it again and he didn't want to forget about it. M suggested that maybe for his birthday he would get it. Apparently this was the wrong thing to say. Not only did X lament that people would forget what he wants since his birthday is so far away, we also had a little faux pas moment when we got home. M called his parents soon after walking through the door and since X was still up he got on the phone for a bit. Did he talk about the movie we just got home from? No. He immediately launched into what he wants for his birthday. I don't know why he thinks anyone will forget anything, because he certainly doesn't. Recently we got an awesome package in the mail from "Grandma Soup" (again, straight up, X comes up with fabulous names) which included a couple of wrestling figures. X explained that for his birthday he would like the complete set of wrestlers so he can have "real" fights with them. Right now the wrestlers battle Wolverine, and apparently this is not acceptable. All is good though, Grandma Soup loves X so he can do no wrong. :)

A couple of "fun" facts:
*Watching a full length movie is quickly becoming impossible for me. Unless it's at home where there's a pause button, many pillows, and a place to put my feet up.
*Did X sleep in today since he was up 2 hours passed his bedtime last night? No. He was up by 6:30am playing the DSi.

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