Friday, July 29, 2011

Odd Things 13

So many odd things this week!

I'm 30 weeks pregnant! Doctor says we're delivering at 38 weeks. That means only 8 weeks left of having 1 child!

If I put my hand on my belly it feels like there are tennis balls moving around in there! It used to feel like golf balls. Their feet, knees, bums, and so on, have grown!

I'm only able to sleep 2-3 hours at a time at night before I have to fully wake up so I can change position. This includes flopping around like a fish and sometimes elbowing M in the back.

My maternity clothes no longer meet in the middle. So that's sexy. My "Baby on Board" tank top looks like a tragic midriff-baring train wreck. Complete with train tracks. ;)

The swelling. Oh the swelling! I have to keep my feet up as much as possible. Which I do! So we have this old school toy box from M's childhood that we're using as a coffee table. It has a ridge design. When I used it the other day as a foot rest my leg looked like I'd lost part of it to a shark because of the HUGE indent left in the swelling! Again, so sexy.

This is an evil creature:
They are RAMPANT up here right now. But I have never fully understood the extent of their evil genius before! Do you know where they are biting me? On my ankles! Can I reach my ankles? No! But M can. Sure he can. And takes great pleasure in showing me how easy it is to reach his ankles and relieve the itchiness!

But enough about me. Let's discuss the oddness of other people in my life! M has some odd fears. Well, I guess the fears aren't really THAT odd, but it's odd how these fears seem to be forefront in his mind all the time!

He fears I'll fall in the shower.

He fears I'll fall in a hole.

He fears I'll fall while walking.

He fears I'll faint and he won't be there to catch me.

He fears I'll sneeze and the babies will come out.

He fears the babies will randomly decide to come early.
I think he secretly fears the babies will try to come out the side and become legit belly-bursters.

X has one fear. He fears his position in life will be erased when the babies come. Lately I've been reminding him that the babies are his too, and that they will love him. I think he's starting to feel a little better about it.

X's other oddness still revolves around Justin Bieber. Sigh. But apparently before this morning he was not convinced that the Biebs was real. I guess he was slotted with cupid and the Easter Bunny.

Random odd thing: I find it very odd that tattoo artists need not know how to spell.

That's all for now!


  1. If you make it down to Cowtown, F can have a heart to heart with X about little sisters and the benefits of being a big brother! :D

  2. I lost it on the sneezing comment, oh man!!!-Lindsay
