Someday he's going to hate how I keep pulling this picture out.
First, he has a plan for the zombie apocalypse. Have I mentioned he's 5? As I previously twittered, his plan is to stay in the house and throw pots at the zombies. What I did not mention is that his plan is for me to go outside to engage the zombies in hand to hand combat while he "helps" me by staying in the house and throwing pots. I don't know where my husband is supposed to be, maybe at work.
X believes he understands baby talk. He has been practicing by interpreting A for me for about a week or so. According to X, A is a very unhappy child who believes she is the boss and tells everyone to do what she wants them to do. For example. "Dadadadadadadadadadada" means "X, you should give me that toy that you are currently playing with because I want it, so I get it because I am the boss." Likewise, "gah" means, "Mary-Anne, would you kindly change my diaper? I believe there may be a slight odour." Assuredly this talent will come in very handy in a few months.
And last but not least, this odd thing is super special. You know how in grade 9 we learned about subliminal messages? In grocery stores they make sure you can smell the bakery as soon as you walk in to make you want some fresh baked evil pastry or something? Well I'm pretty sure when X walks into a grocery store instead of turning into a bread-craving shopper, he turns intoTotally scary right? The kid totally goes mental. He runs, tap dances, slides, runs into displays, tries to hide in displays, talks to people, asks me what random people are going to do with "that" (whatever is in their cart), talks a mile a minute, wants to ride the cart, wants to jump off the cart, asks for very odd things (like a can of sliced okra, I don't even know what that is!), wants to "help," runs away, starts following other random families, and generally does not listen. It's not like he's overtly bad, he's just all of the sudden super charged with insani-energy. I thought maybe it was just me, but my mom took him grocery shopping early this week and he did the same thing to her! As soon as they walked into the grocery store he went bananas. She thought it was her. But we've compared notes and it's the grocery store's fault. I think in a couple months M and I are going to have to flip for who gets to go grocery shopping and who gets to stay home with the kids!!
The whole X in the grocery store segment literally made me LOL which is a bad thing at the moment cuz it's only 4:45am :D