Well....I WISH I looked that good anyway!
Unfortunately this year Marvin is a 5 hour drive south this week at a training session! So no birthday celebration today. But X and I will bake a cake on Friday that we can have together on Saturday morning when M is back and X is awake!
Funny story about the first birthday cake I tried to make for Marvin. He likes to tell it, so I'll put it out there. Back in the day when we were still "just dating" we were visiting my grandparents in PEI. My grandmother has a fabulous kitchen, you know the kind, with metal measuring cups from the 40s and unlabelled jars of ingredients. I love being in my grandmother's kitchen. We make jams and pickles when I'm there at the right time of year, and I'm always amazed at how much food comes out of one oven for family dinners set for 17 or more. ANYWAY, I was going to bake a cake from scratch for what must have been Marvin's 19th birthday...maybe 20th. I had everything in the bowl ready to mix, and my Nan comes in and starts laughing at me! Then she pushes the bottle of sugar toward me and says taste this. That's right. Unlabelled bottle of sugar turned out to be salt. There was no cake for Marvin that year. And I think it's been mixes ever since! Hahaha! Poor Marvin. He loves me though!
Happy Birthday!!