So I have some catching up to do!! This one might be a short post, but looking at my history, I rather doubt it! I seem to be a bit long winded don't I? I have been collecting material! I have a few posts I've been writing in my head for a while, but I just don't seem to get them typed out. One of them will require a great deal of refining!
Odd things - Pregnancy.
Remember Ms fears? Specifically the sneezing out of the babies? Well that hasn't happened, worry not dear reader! The babies seem quite secure and happy where they are! But my sneezes have become a little traumatic for everyone! Mostly because my belly button pops out when I do. It hasn't stayed far.
My daughters have decided they are no old enough for coffee. Before this week I could drink maybe one cup of coffee, over a long period of time. It just didn't taste good. It didn't make me ill or anything, it was just unappealing. Now I'm starting to love it again. So they think they're all grown up.
The most sore part of my body? My knees. They have been doing A LOT more work these last few weeks and are not happy about it. Soon I will be rolling everywhere just to save my knees the pain of standing up or sitting down.
I had an ultrasound on Thursday and was shocked at how close to my spine the technician had to go to get the pictures she wanted. Apparently EVERYTHING in my middle is baby. Well. Babies.
My hands have stopped falling asleep, but it hurts to make a fist. They are not swollen, just sore fingers. I have no idea if it's pregnancy related or not, but everything in my life is qualified by my pregnancy, so I'm going with yes.
My belly makes a spectacle of itself everywhere I go. I was looking at an apartment for my sister a while ago (a 4th floor walk up) and there was this 20ish girl on the tour with us. She asked in a sing-song voice "OOOOOOOO! And how far along are YOU!?" Really? Was I supposed to sing back at her? But you know what? As of Friday...the day I was supposed to put this post up...I had not been mauled by any strangers yet! :)
Odd Things - My Son
Can you say selective hearing?
Me: "Ooo, come look at your sister's hair, she looks like an adult!" X: "All nurses are adults mom."
Me: "Jerk of a driver not using his signal." X: "The rider has a splinter?"
And the math questions! "What's forty six hundred nine?" And he gets upset when I don't understand what he's asking?!
And his sense of timing. "Dad! We haven't played this in 20 years!"
And he misses A. He's been asking about her, we'll have to drop by and visit later this week. We have to return a plate anyway. :)
Odd Things - Random
This video almost made me go into labour.
I think there was a bit more than just drunkenness goin on there, lol