Monday, August 29, 2011

Odd Things - Week 34

So I'm a little behind. You'll have to forgive me. When we got home from vacation my laptop took a hissy fit at being left behind and refused to work, so until M figures it out and has time to fix it, I have to borrow his. Boo. I'm trying not to have a mental breakdown over the pictures and files on my laptop right now. M says he can fix it, I believe him, we've just got a lot going on right now so it's time that's the issue.
We're moving today and tomorrow. That's odd. My sister and her husband are moving up from Calgary to have a go at living with us. I've warned her that she is entering my inner circle of oddness and so will most likely become a main character in this blog. Especially when it comes to how much X wants to be like his Auntie M. So since her name also starts with M, we'll call her AM from this point on.
I'm 34 weeks, 2 days along. That's odd. Strangers no longer have any doubt about my current state and EVERYONE asks if I'm due "any day." No. I'm not. I'm due in 6 weeks, but the babies will be here in 4 weeks. The first day back to work for M though, he spent 12 hours not with me, then came home, looked at me and declared that he does not believe they will wait 4 weeks. Awesome.
X started grade 1 today. That's totally odd. Once again my poor son is in a new school. Because we're moving 6 blocks west, he's in a different zone. I feel bad. 3 schools in 2 years, but I did that sort of thing too. Hopefully in the future we'll be a bit more stable. As in only moving every few years rather than every few months.
People have odd reactions to my pregnancy. On my vacation I made a stranger cry, created a scene that gathered a crowd at Fabricland, I get pitying looks, knowing smiles, stares, and the pastor at the church we attend keeps mentioning the two new people that are expected to join the church very soon like they're late for an appointment or something. The crying stranger was actually a neighbour of a bff I got to visit while on holiday. She touched my belly and both babies kicked her, so she cried. The scene at Fabricland? All I did was say "there's two" when asked if I was going to birth right away. Suddenly everyone in the store came to look. It's odd.
If you're a woman who has had children, you know that "I'm totally done" feeling? I don't have that yet and that's odd. I can't walk, I waddle. There is constant pain in my hips, knees and feet. If I stand for too long I feel like gravity will pull my forward to fall on my face. I'm averaging 3 hours of sleep at a time. I have to sleep with at least 4 pillows, sometimes 5 if M's on night shift and I can take over the WHOLE bed. But I'm not done. On the other hand, I do feel like I might be pregnant forever. And ever. There is no end to this.
By the way, the hiccups have totally happened. The one on my left gets them everyday and they shake me. The one on the right gets them less frequently and they seem to be smaller, but that could just be the positioning.
Well, M thinks I'm writing a novel, so I'll sign off for now! Next post will come from our new crazy home!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Odd Things: week 33

On location! We are still on vacation! Had some great times in BC with X's great grandmother and now hanging out with my sister and some wicked friends in Calgary! Heading back "home" on Tuesday, but we'll be pretty busy in the coming weeks, so I didn't want to fall too far behind!

Things that are striking me a odd this week? My feet are huge! Driving for 6 hours at a time will do that anyway, but add pregnancy to the situation and I've got boats for feet, cankles and sausage toes! Awesome.

I've realized that strangers touching my belly...well if I'm ever going to have people touching my mid-section, now is the time to do it. Never again will my abdomen be hard and tight, so really, go ahead! In 6 weeks it will be all squishy again...probably forever. :)

A woman (possibly a mental health patient) mentioned that I looked like I should be on my way to the hospital now, that I looked ready. X's great grandmother apparently thought this was the rudest thing possible! Me? I'm just happy people know for sure that I'm pregnant now and not just maybe pregnant, maybe fat!

Driving for 6-8 hours X had to entertain himself for a while. He made machine gun sounds and pointed things, like the DS, out the window toward trees and such. M was super impressed that he even included the cocking sounds.

I am having super weird dreams. The other night I dreamed that I had the babies, but I was unconscious for the delivery. When I woke up the nurses told me that M had named the babies, but they tried to talk him out of it. The thing is, everyone refused to tell WHAT he had named them! Oh, and they told me that one was born 6 weeks early and one was 3 months early. So one was super smaller than the other! My brain is crazy.

Oh yeah. I turned 34 this week. That's odd.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Odd Things - Week 32

Alright! I'm sort of on the ball this week! Actually, I'm looking for an excuse to stay seated a little while longer while M gets ready for us to leave for a little road trip tomorrow! Hooray!

As I hinted at a couple of posts ago, I had my first stranger-mauling this week. On Monday I was dropping off an application for a house to rent downtown, and a lady...not the lady I am dealing with, but her boss...greeted me by coming at me with an outstretched hand which landed on my belly. Someday I would like to be brave enough to rub the stranger back...

The community complex where the public library is reassigned some of the handicapped parking to mommy-to-be parking. For almost a week, the new signs said "Expected mothers only." So if you are a mother and someone is expecting you, you can park in the cool spots? Sadly someone noticed the error and changed the sign before I got a picture.

Once again, my doctor's appointment today was a barrel of oddness. I only had to wait about an hour and 15 minutes to be let into the second waiting stage. That was pretty quick for this office! Apparently over the last 2.5 weeks, the babies grew. Can you imagine?! The doctor seemed a little surprised. He kept saying "they got bigger hey?" I thought growth was what we were aiming for, but he actually spent over 5 minutes with his little ultrasound machine looking for a third baby to explain the growth. Then he measured the heads and realized my babies are just growing, not multiplying.

I found the perfect picture to explain the one ginormous fear that my husband and son share:
Last, but not least, I witnessed some true brilliance today. You might have seen the gist of the story on my facebook/twitter. I was standing in line at the post office, and not wanting to stare at the guy in front of me, I looked out the window. I noticed to people acting strangely around a car. One lady seemed to be trying to pull the window out with her fingers. As I watched, (it was a long slow line) I realized that she was trying to break into her car with a hanger. Sadly though, the only hanger available to her seemed to come from a clothing store. It was plastic. And fat. So this lady is stabbing at the interior of her car with a fat non-pliable utensil, and her friend is being very supportive by walking around the car repeatedly, I assume, looking for another weak spot to have a go at. Then they tried the other side. They worked together to wiggle the window down enough to fit the hanger in, and stabbed with the hanger again. I don't know if they did not understand the concept of what had to happen to gain access to the car or if they were just having some fun. Sadly, after 20 minutes of some great entertainment, my turn came and I did not see how they finally got in, but I did find out what happened. The owner of the car was in the post office, then she walked outside to give her car key to her friend, but the key was gone. Someone had taken the key off her ring while she was in the post office and stole it. Not the car, just the key. Rrrrright. Ten bucks says it's in her pocket, or she mailed it somewhere.

Good times. I'll keep you posted on the odd goings on as we take a little tour this week!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm Telling!!

The other day, Monday I think, something funny happened. M had the day off, so he was sleeping in a bit, and when he joined us for the day he seemed to be a little depressed. I asked him if he had not slept very well, but he said he slept all night, which is sort of rare, but that he was mad. I thought maybe we had woken him or maybe the neighbours had been knocking on the bedroom window looking for X. It could happen. No. He was a little angry that in his dream he had to break up with a girl. This girl:
That's right. While my husband is sleeping I'm competing with Charlize Theron, specifically, Charlize Theron dressed as Aeon Flux. But even in his dreams it's not meant to be. Apparently he had to break up with her because she was being unreasonable about something. He "can't remember" the argument, but the real issue was that she ignored him while he was trying to work it out, so he had to end the relationship. It was very sad. I think he's still angry with her. I may be a terrible wife to say this...but I feel confident that my position will not be usurped any time soon!!! Hahahahahaha!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Odd Things - Week 31

So I have some catching up to do!! This one might be a short post, but looking at my history, I rather doubt it! I seem to be a bit long winded don't I? I have been collecting material! I have a few posts I've been writing in my head for a while, but I just don't seem to get them typed out. One of them will require a great deal of refining!

Odd things - Pregnancy.

Remember Ms fears? Specifically the sneezing out of the babies? Well that hasn't happened, worry not dear reader! The babies seem quite secure and happy where they are! But my sneezes have become a little traumatic for everyone! Mostly because my belly button pops out when I do. It hasn't stayed far.

My daughters have decided they are no old enough for coffee. Before this week I could drink maybe one cup of coffee, over a long period of time. It just didn't taste good. It didn't make me ill or anything, it was just unappealing. Now I'm starting to love it again. So they think they're all grown up.

The most sore part of my body? My knees. They have been doing A LOT more work these last few weeks and are not happy about it. Soon I will be rolling everywhere just to save my knees the pain of standing up or sitting down.

I had an ultrasound on Thursday and was shocked at how close to my spine the technician had to go to get the pictures she wanted. Apparently EVERYTHING in my middle is baby. Well. Babies.

My hands have stopped falling asleep, but it hurts to make a fist. They are not swollen, just sore fingers. I have no idea if it's pregnancy related or not, but everything in my life is qualified by my pregnancy, so I'm going with yes.

My belly makes a spectacle of itself everywhere I go. I was looking at an apartment for my sister a while ago (a 4th floor walk up) and there was this 20ish girl on the tour with us. She asked in a sing-song voice "OOOOOOOO! And how far along are YOU!?" Really? Was I supposed to sing back at her? But you know what? As of Friday...the day I was supposed to put this post up...I had not been mauled by any strangers yet! :)

Odd Things - My Son

Can you say selective hearing?

Me: "Ooo, come look at your sister's hair, she looks like an adult!" X: "All nurses are adults mom."

Me: "Jerk of a driver not using his signal." X: "The rider has a splinter?"

And the math questions! "What's forty six hundred nine?" And he gets upset when I don't understand what he's asking?!

And his sense of timing. "Dad! We haven't played this in 20 years!"

And he misses A. He's been asking about her, we'll have to drop by and visit later this week. We have to return a plate anyway. :)

Odd Things - Random

This video almost made me go into labour.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sorta Sad

Today is sort of a sad day here. It is the first non-holiday day that we have no A. All we get to do now is wait for our own "Princesses in Training" to arrive! We had a great time practicing our caring-for-little-girls skills on A, and have slight to no hope that our own will be as well behaved! I have slightly more hope that X will not try to ignore ours as much as he attempted to ignore A, but that is apparently poor remembering on my part. My little sister feels that I could have been nicer to her growing up! :)

The last week with A was certainly eventful! She learned the signs of us getting ready to go for a car ride and decided to help by opening the front door. She did not leave, just slightly opened the door and yelled for us to hurry up (according to X anyway)!

When X decided to ignore her he would go into his room, shut the door and play with toys that A is not big enough to play with, such as marbles and lego. A learned that if she knocked long enough, he would come out again. This made her extremely happy. He could not understand why she wanted to sit on him, pull his hair, play with whatever he was playing with, etc. We tried to explain that she believes he's super cool, but he just wouldn't believe it.

On her last day A's Mom was kind enough to send the messiest lunch that was not cutlery-friendly. 14 month old princesses do not like cutlery. If there are bits of food big enough to grab, cutlery is dismissed completely. Oh. And she doesn't like to have her face washed.

As an added bonus our family was invited over to A's house for a BBQ this weekend. We had a great time together, plus I got to direct A to her Daddy for a diaper change! We are totally looking forward to some play dates! A must practice being the big sister, don't you think? Muahahaha.