Sunday, October 23, 2011

Here We Are!

I have not posted! I know! It's terrible! Apparently, nursing twins has a time commitment that you just can't get out of! Hahaha! I feel like I'm not getting a whole lot accomplished, I just sit on the couch with a baby, but they are growing, so it's doing something! But they take up all the lap room! No lap top, no cross stitching. It's very sad. (I'm kidding)

We're getting about 3 hours of sleep at a time at night now, so that's good. We try to keep them up from 8:00 until 11:00 and if we're totally successful, I might even get 4, 4 and a half hours! Then it's 2 hours after that. During the day, I am feeding someone at least 30 minutes out of 2 hours. By the evening, and sometimes once in the afternoon, they each get some formula. I need a break! Hahaha! Crazy kids.

The things I was looking forward to when I was pregnant? Peeing. Yes. It is much more satisfying now! I don't have to pee every 10 minutes! Having my feet back. Hooray! 3 and a half weeks later most of the swelling has gone and the tenderness is fading quickly! Sneezing without fear! Good to go! Sleeping on my belly. Not quite. Almost, but not quite.

New things that freak me out? I have twins. Two (2) infants. Tomorrow they will be 4 weeks. Wednesday they will be a month old! I also have a 5 year old boy. He will be 6 in 2 months. Sometimes L spits up and milk comes out her nose. Actually, that happens a lot. Sometimes when nursing, the girls choose drinking above breathing. I'm starting to get used to the choking action.

Fabulous things? X is getting more used to his sisters. We're working our way up to having the courage to take a picture with the three of them! V smiles in her sleep. Even L gave me a little smile the other day. Makes my heart super happy. :) The joy X gets out of hearing L and V fill their diapers. Really, they are quite spectacular, and he laughs like a loon! As does M. Speaking of M, it's fabulous having him home still! He burps the babies, changes diapers, cooks for everyone! I really love him.

So here they are! And this behaviour is the same that was going on inside by the way! Don't be forgetting that! Hahaha! Oh, one more note. I was thinking the other day, L and V were born at 38 weeks, 2 days. X was born at 41 weeks, 2 days. If I stayed pregnant as long with them, they would have been born this past Monday! Totally crazy!