Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 37

It's all just odd anyway, so to call this post odd things just seems redundant.
M keeps asking if I'm in labour. Whenever I sit up in bed, pause while walking, or move from one sitting position to about 30 times in a 24 hour period. I'm not sure he's going to make it through his next on-shift set!
Did I tell you I broke my toe? Oh yeah. I'm that awesome. I was sitting on a stool and tried to hook my foot and only my baby toe took hold. The rest of my foot tried to leave my baby toe behind while it fell back to the floor. That felt awesome. The odd thing is not that I broke my toe, I broke my other baby toe last summer, I really am that awesome. The odd thing is that my foot is already so swollen that the toe couldn't get any bigger! It just points in a slightly new direction now.
You know how you sneeze and, if it's a really good one, you see stars? I see stars all the time. When I look to the left, or right. Sometimes when I breathe. It's pretty.
M's sister had a baby two days ago! Little guy came about 3 weeks early, but everyone is happy and healthy, so it's fabulous!!!
I had my second NST appointment this week. When I was waiting to check in the lady behind the desk looked up and in a very terrified voice asked if I was in labour. Bahaha. I assured her everything was normal and she calmed down and asked a few questions. She seemed very disappointed that she isn't on duty next Monday when I go in to have my babies.
The best part about the NST appointment was that M and I got to talk to a nurse who is actually the mother of twins. And she nursed them! She had great advice and stories. Obviously she was way more helpful than the public health person that directed me to a website. I was actually able to ask specific questions and she had some great answers, as far as I could tell anyway.
X is learning sign language at school. Here is a series of signs I hope he doesn't learn!!
Started packing the baby bag for the hospital yesterday. Will probably get around to packing a bag for me in the next day or two. My sister asked me if I was afraid at all, I told her about my brain being constantly 15% terrified. She says she's terrified and she's not even pregnant. Today I realized it's only 10 days until I have twins to take care of. If I could curl up into a ball and rock, I would. But I can't. I'm sort of a walking ball at this point.
And Air Canada better not strike. That is all. I have people coming don't you know!!!!

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