So why? Well, I have a few reasons. My cute little six month old babies got all mobile, and made my life even more cray-cray. My husband bought me an iPad, and anything I couldn't do with it, I just stopped doing. Also, I had tried to make my blog up-beat, positive, and whenever possible, funny. The last few months especially have not been those things for me.
So why start again now? Well, I figured that you might get a kick out of hearing about the little demons who replaced my babies, and their older brother. I mean, sometimes I want to sell my children to the gypsies. I mean my angels are perfect, what's your problem? I bought a blog app! Hopefully it will work out for me, although, as I've already accidentally deleted an entire post, I'm still skeptical. And finally, I thought that if I attempt to be more real 'out loud,' then maybe I'll realize that things are not so bad, and I can handle it!
So I invite you to come back. Please come back. I hope you read, enjoy, laugh, and share. Please remember though, this blog may read a little different then it did a year ago. Also, my house is the house of non-judging. Except for ignorant jerks. I totally judge ignorant jerks. While this paragraph may seem like a collection of separate, disjointed ideas, neither you, nor I, have any idea what I'll write tomorrow.
I've thought about going back and adding the word 'so' to the beginning of the first paragraph, you know, to make it all matchy-matchy, but have decided to try to break that habit again. Starting now.